Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Do What You Will

There is a song by Desperation Band called "Ready Now". I love the phrase, "I'm ready now, Do what You will."

An hour after we got back into town from seeing my Dad, I was on my way to soccer practice with my son. As we were driving along I felt comfortable. It was interesting. All I had to do was be back in town and I was comfortable. It was what I knew. I was in my "hood"...sorry.

Then I began to think about some of the things I have been reading lately. So many challenges to step out of my comfort zone and to be someone I haven't been. I then began praying. How do I start this? What should I be doing? Where should I be looking? If I am so comfortable with my lifestyle here, how am I ever going to know what to do? Do I have to move to be out of my comfort zone? Then I heard a loud and clear voice, "It's not what you do, it's who you become." Wow, where did that come from? I knew it was God, He was very clear. I suddenly knew what I had to do...nothing! I can't do anything to gain God's character in my life. He has to do it. Now, I understand that does mean I need to surrender, to Him, in everything. So I do have to do something. And I am "Ready Now".

As we were pulling off the freeway, I turned up the radio and this song was playing...

You come like you promised You would
I want to surrender for good
I know that I need You
And I don't want to keep living life alone

So take my heart
and make it new
make it true
And make it like You
Take my hands
I lift them high
They're Yours not mine to do
Do what you will
Do what you will
Do what you will

I'm ready now

WOW, what a conformation. Here I am, I'm ready, do what You will.

Look at the life of Christ. We all seek to be like Him...right? It was never about what Jesus did, it has always been about who He is. It wasn't about having Lazrus back, it was about His glory shining through. It wasn't about an issue of blood, it was about His mercy. He didn't come to die on a cross, He came to be a Savior! I had to think about that last statement for a while. The cross is a symbol that the world seems to love. They are willing to take on the comfort of an icon around their neck, but are they willing to surrender to the Savior that was nailed to it. I will never discount the cross and what it means to me as a Christian. But it isn't my salvation, Jesus is!

So, I surrender, I lay down, I am Yours, I am ready now, do what You will.